The Ambulance and Emergency Service announced today that fires have reignited in the city of Al-Asabaa, leading to an increase in suffocation cases to eight, including one critical case requiring transfer out of the city for treatment.
The service explained that ambulance teams are facing difficulties moving within the city due to crowds of citizens around the fire site, which hinders rescue and evacuation operations.
The agency has called on citizens to cooperate with emergency teams and to keep away from the fire site to ensure their safety and facilitate the work of rescue teams.
Days ago, the Libyan House of Representatives has expressed serious concern over the recent fires that devastated homes in the western city of Al-Asabaa, causing significant damage and hardship to the residents. In response, the House has called on the legitimate Libyan government to urgently intensify its relief efforts, ensuring all necessary resources are mobilized to protect citizens and mitigate the effects of this disaster.
The House emphasized that managing such disasters falls squarely on the shoulders of the government, urging the mobilization of technical and financial resources to assist those affected. Furthermore, it has called upon the National Oil Corporation, the National Planning Council, expert houses, and all relevant entities, along with anyone capable of contributing, to support the competent authorities. They are to help investigate the causes of the fires, identify responsible parties, and ensure preventive measures are implemented to avoid future occurrences.
The House expressed regret over the initial slow and inefficient response by the concerned authorities to such incidents and stressed the need for a serious review of crisis management mechanisms to ensure that protecting the lives and properties of citizens is always a priority.
The statement concluded by reinforcing that the responsibility of relief and managing such incidents should not tolerate delay or compromise, requiring a prompt national action that reflects the state’s commitment to its citizens.