The European Union has provided €10 million in additional funding for the new UNDP SUSC initiative for stability, unity, and social cohesion in Libya. It aims to support peaceful dialogue and reconciliation throughout the country.
Given the EU’s new funding, the initiative will continue to support three complementary projects in place: the Stabilisation Facility in Libya, the National Reconciliation Project and the Local Elections Project. A new project to prevent violent extremism is also set to be introduced.
The ongoing partnership between the EU and UNDP in this new initiative focuses on strengthening the capacities of municipalities. These work to establish and maintain a peaceful environment, enhance opportunities for social and economic development, and support coexistence and stability.
The SUSC initiative aims to promote progress towards shared local stability goals, by restoring basic services and reconciliation efforts. It also aims at promoting peaceful dialogue at the community level, in cooperation with the civil society.