A Border Management Unit (EUBAM Libya) and a Libyan delegation (a border guard and a customs officer from Libya) attended the World Border Congress 2023. It was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 25-27 April 2023.
Every year, border protection policymakers, management, and practitioners gather at the World Border Security Congress. This is the leading multi-jurisdictional global platform, to debate the global problems involved in securing and managing borders.
High-level panel discussions, and a range of seminars intended to foster better cooperation on international challenges were part of the programming. The deployment of electronic border aid technology to strengthen border security was also the subject of lively arguments.
The 2023 Congress brought together senior officials, practitioners, and players from all over the world to discuss and debate current and upcoming border management issues, including migration control.
According to Luis Puig, Head of the Border Management Unit at EUBAM Libya, “Libyan border guards currently struggle to fulfil their tasks related to border surveillance with responsibilities to tackle cross-border crimes. The operational ability, equipment, and need for smart border technology are all lacking in Libyan border guards. Due to a lack of the necessary tools, personnel, and unique operating methods, the national border guards are now unable to completely defend the land borders of Libya.”
The World Border Security Congress has helped Libyan border management officers stay current on the newest policies, problems, and solutions for integrated border management. The conference provided attendees from Libyan border management agencies with the most recent information, to modify their own policies and programmes to further improve border security. They also obtained knowledge about the systems and technology used to combat illegal border operations, such as the trafficking of drugs, weapons, and people, as well as the management of migration and refugee movements in the future.
The main goal of the visit was to increase the operational capability of Libyan border management agencies at border crossing points (BCP’s) and the areas surrounding them. As well as to raise awareness of the advantages of using smart technology for border control tasks (border checks and border surveillance) and to put such a technology into practice.
Therefore, the congress aimed to increase the capacity of Libyan border and customs officers in charge, particularly on better border surveillance, border control, and the inspection of goods. It also improved their understanding of the use of smart technology in border control.